
Equipments And Projects


Sunresin's Ion Exchange Technology Empowers the Lactic Acid Processing Industry

According to the forecast from 2020 to 2025, the global lactic acid market is growing rapidly, with the growth rate at about 12.8%. This means the value of the lactic acid market will double every five years, from $1.1 billion in 2020 to $2.2 billion in 2025.

Waste Gas VOCs Treatment Complete Set Equipment from The Customer Site

This is a set of dichloroethane treatment equipment, which helps to recover 2.16 tons of dichloroethane per day while meeting the emission requirements. This is a set of dichloroethane treatment equipment, which helps to recover 2.16 tons of dichloroethane per day while meeting the emission requirements. This translates to a payback period of about one year.

How Does Ion Exchange Column Work?

When the operation is carried out for a certain period of time, the resin bed will be divided into a saturated resin zone, a mass transfer zone, and a fresh resin zone. As the run time increases, the mass transfer zone gradually decreases until the bottom of the bed is penetrated by the mass transfer zone and the entire resin layer fails.

What is Simultaneous Moving Bed?

The whole section of resin in the original fixed bed is divided into several sections.

Contact Us

Sunresin Park,No.135, jinye Road, Xi’an Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Shaanxi-710076, China
seplite@sunresin.com seplite_europe@sunresin.com +86-29-89182091
Here to Provide Complete Separation and Purification Solutions
Sunresin Park,No.135, jinye Road, Xi’an Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Shaanxi-710076, China
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