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Research & Development

Innovation is core element of Sunresin values. R&D contributes to essential impetus to the fast development of Sunresin. 
There are 5 teams in the provincial R&D center, while the center is equipped with advanced analytical instruments such as Malvern, Mettler, PE, Agilent etc. Around 80 creative and experienced chemists and engineers are working on improved processes for our existing products and are developing specific solutions for new applications and new products. With the enormous data-base in resin design and one of the top lab facilities in the ion exchange industry, Sunresin is well-prepared to develop and supply tailored made solutions answering customer's requirements.
Production Control-SEPLITE
EveryDay work of Sunresin's R&D teams
Sunresin is continuously investing in our technology and facilities to improve product efficiency and new applications to meet today's ever-rising demand for special resins.            


Contact Us

Sunresin Park,No.135, jinye Road, Xi’an Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Shaanxi-710076, China
seplite@sunresin.com seplite_europe@sunresin.com +86-29-89182091
Here to Provide Complete Separation and Purification Solutions
Sunresin Park,No.135, jinye Road, Xi’an Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Shaanxi-710076, China
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