Sunresin has entered in a collaboration agreement with Prof Fernando Albericio and Prof Beatriz G. De La Torre from University of KwaZulu-Natal
We are excited to announce that Sunresin New Material has entered in a collaboration agreement starting from August 2023 with Prof Fernando Albericio and Prof Beatriz G. De La Torre from University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), South Africa, for the development of new resins for Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis (SPPS), optimization of existing products and the development of novel chemistry to support pharmaceutical industry.
Fernando does not need presentation. With more than 1000 publications in the field of SPPS and many patents, Fernando has helped for decades the peptide market to grow, expand and support patient life with the discovery of efficient processes for the manufacture of peptide APIs.
Sunresin is now a recognized global leading company manufacturing on multiple ton scale resins that allow the production of API peptide by solid phase synthesis.
"Sunresin Life Science has been set up 10 ten years ago and solid-phase peptide synthesis has always been a key focus. In the department of SPPS, Sunresin has a capacity of 120T/y production in the dedicated line, and 20+ types of high quality peptide products providing to the market globally. The latest examples, eg. Seplife ② 2-CTC resin, Wang resin and Sieber resin are widely used in the synthesis of Liraglutide and Somarlutide and have shown great expansion in the last two years." says Dr. Ivy Gao, President of Sunresin.
"Although SR has some certain foundation in the field of SPPS, more R&D and productional progress is still needed such as matrix development, linker, coupling and protecting groups, etc. Prof. Albericio is inventor or developer in many fields of peptide synthesis, including Polyethylenglycol (PEG) and Polystyrene (PS) resins, and highly recognized scientist in the field of peptide manufacture. He has taken consultancy with Rohm & Haas, Purolite, and is rich of industrial experience. Prof. Albericio will support Sunresin in the rapid development of Sunresin Life Science. I look forward to Prof. Albericio's collaboration with my team of young and active chemists to produce innovative new technologies on the field." Dr. Ivy Gao commented.
"I know Fernando from 15 years and I always enjoyed his inspirational and visionary approach, by anticipating and driving the market needs. I am really happy to start this new journey that will provide better products, new processes and new products that will help Sunresin growth and support daily our customers" says Dr. Alessandra Basso, Global Sales and Marketing Director for the Life Science.
"As a researcher working in solid-phase peptide chemistry for more than 40 years, it is a privilege to collaborate with Sunresin, the worldwide leader company in producing resins and solid supports. Thanks to it, I am sure that some of our scientific ideas will become a reality for enforcing the development of new drugs to benefit the entire population" says Professor Fernando Albericio.