
Ion Exchange Resin: 30 Questions You May Want to Ask

Ion exchange resin is a type of polymer that can exchange ions present in a solution. Ion exchange resins are widely used in various industries, such as water treatment, food and beverage, chemical, pharmaceutical, and environmental. Ion exchange resins can remove impurities, soften water, separate substances, and purify products.

In this article, we will answer 30 most common questions about ion exchange resin, covering its basics, characteristics, applications, and selection criteria.

1.  What is Ion Exchange Resin?
2.  How Much Does Ion Exchange Resin Cost?
3.  How Long Does Ion Exchange Resin Last?
4.  What Is Ion Exchange Resin Structure?
5.  What is Ion Exchange Resin Made of?
6.  What are the Types of Ion Exchange Resins?
7.  What Is the Application of Ion Exchange Resin?
8.  How Does Ion Exchange Resin Work?
9.  How to Use Ion Exchange Resin?
10.  How Do You Make Ion Exchange Resin?
11.  Is Ion Exchange Resin Hazardous?
12.  What are the Advantages of Ion Exchange Process?
13.  What Is the Difference Between Cation and Anion Exchange?
14.  What are the Factors Affecting Ion Exchange Resins?
15.  How to Regenerate Ion Exchange Resin?
16.  What Is Ion Exchange Resin Formula?
17.  How Do You Store Ion Exchange Resins?
18.  Is Ion Exchange Better Than Reverse Osmosis?
19.  Ion Exchange Resin Market Size And Forecast
20.  What Is Ion Exchange in Chemistry?
21.  Does Ion Exchange Resin Remove Fluoride?
22.  How to Remove Ammoniacal Nitrogen from Wastewater?
23.  What Does Cation Resin Remove?
24.  What Does Anion Resin Remove?
25.  What Is the Ion Exchange Resin Method for the Removal of the Hardness of Water?
26.  What Is Function of Ion Exchange Resin in Water Treatment?
27.  What Is the Ion Exchange System in Water Treatment?
28.  What are the Advantages of the Ion Exchange Process for Water Softening?
29.  What are Applications of Ion Exchange Chromatography in Food Industry?
30.  What is the Method of Purification of Acetic Acid?


1. Basics of Ion Exchange Resin


● What is Ion Exchange Resin?

An ion exchange resin or ion-exchange polymer is a resin or polymer that acts as a medium for ion exchange. It is an insoluble matrix (or support structure) normally in the form of small (0.25–1.43 mm radius) microbeads, usually white or yellowish, fabricated from an organic polymer substrate.
The beads are typically porous (with a specific size distribution that will affect its properties), providing a large surface area on and inside them where the trapping of ions occurs along with the accompanying release of other ions, and thus the process is called ion exchange.(From Wikipedia)


● How Much Does Ion Exchange Resin Cost?

On average, expect price ranges from $40 to $200 per cubic foot for SAC/WAC resins and $130 to $200 per cubic foot for SBA/WBA resins.
Specialty resins tend to range anywhere from $500 to $2,000 and up per cubic foot.


● How Long Does Ion Exchange Resin Last?

Water treatment:
Cation exchange resin: Can last about 10 to 15 years.
Anion exchange resin: Typically lasts 4 to 8 years.
Other applications: 
Lifespan could be significantly shorter or longer depending on the specific use and conditions.


● What Is Ion Exchange Resin Structure?

Ion exchange resins are typically composed of a four-part structure:
1. Insoluble Matrix: The core of the resin bead is a strong, three-dimensional network made of an organic polymer.  Polystyrene is the most common material used, but other materials like acrylic acid and phenol-formaldehyde can also be used.  This scaffold provides the structural support for the resin bead and is completely insoluble in water.
2. Cross-Linking: Individual polymer chains are linked together at various points to prevent them from collapsing and to create pores throughout the bead.  Divinylbenzene (DVB) is typically used as a cross-linking agent, which creates a more rigid structure and increases the mechanical strength of the bead.  The degree of cross-linking affects the size of the pores and the rate at which ions can enter and leave the resin bead.
3. Functional Groups: Chemical groups are attached to the polymer matrix that are responsible for the ion exchange process.  These functional groups have an ionic charge that is opposite to the ions they are designed to capture.  For example, a cation exchange resin will have negatively charged functional groups (like sulfonate -SO3- groups) that attract positively charged cations (like sodium Na+).  Anion exchange resins will have positively charged functional groups (like quaternary ammonium -N(CH3)3+ groups) to attract negatively charged anions (like chloride Cl-).
4. Pore Structure: The pores within the resin bead allow the ions in the solution to come into contact with the functional groups.  There are two main types of pore structures:
Microporous (gel-type) resins:  These resins have a dense network of small pores throughout the bead.  The size of the pores limits the size of ions that can enter the resin bead.
Macroporous (macroreticular) resins:  These resins have a more open structure with larger pores that can accommodate larger ions. They also have a higher effective surface area, which allows for faster ion exchange kinetics.


● What is Ion Exchange Resin Made of?

Ion exchange resins are typically made from crosslinked polystyrene beads. These beads are small, porous spheres that have been chemically modified to contain charged groups on their surface.
These charged groups are what allow the resin to exchange ions with a solution that it comes into contact with. Ion exchange resins can also be made of acrylic beads.


● What are the Types of Ion Exchange Resins?

Based on their functional groups, ion exchange resins can be broadly classified into two main types:
1. Cation exchange resins:
Cation exchange resins are tiny, bead-shaped particles that are typically  white or yellowish in color . They are made from a synthetic organic polymer that is insoluble in water. The key feature of these resins is that they have fixed negative charges throughout their structure.
These negatively charged sites act like magnets for positively charged ions (cations) that are dissolved in a surrounding liquid.  Cations are attracted to the resin and  exchange places with harmless ions that are already attached to the resin. This process allows for the removal of unwanted cations from a solution.
They are further categorized into:
Strong acid cation (SAC) exchange resins are among the most widely used resins. They are composed of a polymer matrix to which anionic functional groups are bound, such as sulphonate (SO3–).
SAC resins are regenerated with either a sodium salt solution (Na2+) for softening applications, or with an acid (H+) for demineralization applications.
SAC resins are used extensively for softening applications, and are very effective at complete removal of hardness ions such as magnesium (Mg+) or calcium (Ca2+).
Weak acid cation (WAC) exchange resin is a type of ion exchange resin with carboxylic acid functional groups (RCOO–). Similar to strong acid cation (SAC) exchange resins, WAC resins swap cations for hydrogen ions, resulting in slightly greater acidity in the treated stream. WAC resins can exchange with bases such as NaOH and weak acid salts such as NaHCO3.
WAC resin or SAC resin can be divided into two types: gel type and macroporous type. In gel type, the bead of resin comprises the homogeneous gel. The gel type ion exchange resin has the characteristics of high capacity, high chemical efficiency, good mechanical stability, and translucent pseudocrystaline structure. In contrast, macroporous ion exchange resin has lower capacity but has a bimodal pore size distribution, higher mechanical stability, better resistance to oxidation, high temperature and opaque porous structure.
2. Anion exchange resins:
Anion exchange resins are a type of ion-exchange resin that are specifically designed to trap negatively charged ions, known as anions, from a solution and replace them with other negatively charged ions. These resins have functional groups that carry a positive charge, which allows them to attract and bind anions. They are also categorized into:
Contain quaternary ammonium (-N⁺(CH3)3) groups, making them highly effective in removing anions like Cl- and NO3- even at high pH. They are used in applications like deionization and wastewater treatment.
Weak base anion (WBA) exchange resins contain tertiary amine functional groups attached to the polymer matrix and operate in the free base form. WBA resins do not split neutral salts but only react with strong acids such as hydrochloric acid (HCl), nitric acid (HNO3), and sulfuric acid (H2SO4).
WBA resins are typically regenerated with sodium hydroxide (NaOH), ammonia (NH3), or sodium carbonate (Na2CO3). Compared with strong base anion (SBA) exchange resins, WBA resins are easier to regenerate and can be efficiently regenerated with a small amount of NaOH. In addition, WBA resins have greater capacities for mineral acids, better chemical stability and stronger resistance to organic fouling than SBA resins.
In addition to these main types, there are also specialty ion exchange resins designed for specific applications. These include:
Chelating resins are a class of ion-exchange resins. They are almost always used to bind cations, and utilize chelating agents covalently attached to a polymer matrix. Chelating resins have the same bead form and polymer matrix as usual ion exchangers. Their main use is for pre-concentration of metal ions in a dilute solution. Chelating ion-exchange resins are used for brine decalcification in the chlor-alkali industry, the removal of boron from potable water, and the recovery of precious metals in solutions.(From Wikipedia)

Standard mixed bed resin is a combination of cation (H+) and anion (OH-). Water treated with mixed bed resin removes most of the cations and anions and results in various levels of purity.
Standard mixed bed resin has 2 components – It consists of Strong Acid Cation (8% Crosslink) in the Hydrogen (H+) form and Type 1 Strong Base Anion in the Hydroxide  (OH-) form. The manufacturer processes and rinses mixed bed to various levels of purity prior to shipment. Once installed mixed bed resin is ready for immediate service. Care should be taken to prevent separation during installation and shipment to prevent lower throughput.
Mixed bed resin is used to produce deionized or demineralized water. Use of mixed bed resins for residential applications is uncommon. Depending on its level a purity, deionized water is aggressive and potentially strips metals from fixtures, appliances and pipes. Despite its level of purity, drinking deionized water is not recommended.


● What Is the Application of Ion Exchange Resin?

Ion-exchange resins are widely used in different separation, purification, and decontamination processes. The most common examples are water softening and water purification. In many cases, ion-exchange resins were introduced in such processes as a more flexible alternative to the use of natural or artificial zeolites. Here are just a few examples:
In your home:
In this application, Ion-exchange resins are used to replace the magnesium and calcium ions found in hard water with sodium ions. When the resin is fresh, it contains sodium ions at its active sites. When in contact with a solution containing magnesium and calcium ions (but a low concentration of sodium ions), the magnesium and calcium ions preferentially migrate out of solution to the active sites on the resin, being replaced in solution by sodium ions. This process reaches equilibrium with a much lower concentration of magnesium and calcium ions in solution than was started with.
The resin can be recharged by washing it with a solution containing a high concentration of sodium ions (e.g. it has large amounts of common salt (NaCl) dissolved in it). The calcium and magnesium ions migrate from the resin, being replaced by sodium ions from the solution until a new equilibrium is reached. The salt is used to recharge an ion-exchange resin, which itself is used to soften the water.
These resins can be used to purify juices, syrups, and other beverages by removing unwanted ions, improving taste and clarity.
In industry:
Chemical Processing: Resins can be used to separate and purify valuable chemicals from complex mixtures, improving efficiency and yield.
Nuclear Power: Ion exchange resins play a crucial role in treating radioactive wastewater and managing radioactive waste materials.
Other Applications:
Ion-exchange resins are used in the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, not only for catalyzing certain reactions, but also for isolating and purifying pharmaceutical active ingredients. Three ion-exchange resins, sodium polystyrene sulfonate, colestipol, and cholestyramine, are used as active ingredients. Sodium polystyrene sulfonate is a strongly acidic ion-exchange resin and is used to treat hyperkalemia. Colestipol is a weakly basic ion-exchange resin and is used to treat hypercholesterolemia. Cholestyramine is a strongly basic ion-exchange resin and is also used to treat hypercholesterolemia. Colestipol and cholestyramine are known as bile acid sequestrants.
Ion-exchange resins are also used as excipients in pharmaceutical formulations such as tablets, capsules, gums, and suspensions. In these uses the ion-exchange resin can have several different functions, including taste-masking, extended release, tablet disintegration, increased bioavailability, and improving the chemical stability of the active ingredients.

Environmental Cleanup: They can be used to remove toxic metals and other pollutants from contaminated water and soil.

● How Does Ion Exchange Resin Work?

Here’s a simplified explanation of how it works:
1. Composition: Ion exchange resins are made of organic polymers that form a network of hydrocarbons. Within this network are ion exchange sites that hold “functional groups” of either positively-charged ions (cations) or negatively-charged ions (anions).
2. Attraction: These functional groups attract ions of an opposing charge. For example, a resin with functional groups that are negatively charged will attract and hold onto positively charged ions (like calcium or magnesium).
3. Exchange Process: When a solution passes through the resin, ions in the solution that have a stronger attraction to the functional groups displace the ions originally held by the resin. This is the “exchange” in ion exchange resin.
4. Physical Properties: The resin beads are small, spherical, and porous, which provides a large surface area for ion exchange. They can vary in size, structure, and composition based on the application.
5. Applications: Ion exchange resins are used in various applications, including water softening, water purification, and in processes that require the separation of specific ions from a solution.

● How to Use Ion Exchange Resin?

Ion exchange resins are used in water treatment and other chemical processes to remove unwanted ions and replace them with others more desirable. Here’s a general guide on how to use ion exchange resin:
1. Choose the Correct Resin: Select the appropriate resin for your application. There are cation exchange resins for positively charged ions and anion exchange resins for negatively charged ions.
2. Prepare the Resin: Before use, the resin typically needs to be soaked in water to swell the beads and remove any fines or foreign particles.
3. Regenerate the Resin: If the resin has been used before, it may need to be regenerated by flushing it with a concentrated solution of the ions you want the resin to release.
4. Load the Resin into a Column: The resin is usually used in a column setup. Ensure the resin bed is evenly distributed without any channels or gaps.
5. Run Your Solution Through the Resin: Slowly pass the solution you want to treat through the column, allowing time for the ion exchange process to occur.
6. Rinse and Regenerate: After treatment, rinse the resin with water to remove any residual solution and regenerate it as needed for reuse.
7. Monitor the Process: Check the effluent for signs that the resin is exhausted and no longer effectively exchanging ions.
8. Dispose or Regenerate: Once the resin is spent, it can either be regenerated or disposed of according to local regulations.

● How Do You Make Ion Exchange Resin?

Monomer preparation: Specific organic monomers like styrene and divinylbenzene or acrylate are used.
Polymerization: Monomers are mixed with initiators and heated to trigger controlled polymerization, forming the resin skeleton.
Functionalization: The neutral polymer undergoes further chemical modifications to incorporate ion-exchange groups.
Neutralization: After functionalization, the resin needs to be converted to its desired ionic form.
Washing and drying: The final step involves removing impurities and excess chemicals through thorough washing. The resin is then dried to the desired moisture content.


2. Characteristics of Ion Exchange Resin


● Is Ion Exchange Resin Hazardous?

Whether or not ion exchange resin is hazardous depends on several factors, including:
The type of resin: Some resins contain potentially harmful chemicals, while others are relatively inert.
The form of the resin: Dry resin can be dusty and irritating to the eyes and skin, while wet resin may not pose the same risks.
The presence of contaminants: If the resin has been used to remove contaminants from water or other liquids, it may be contaminated with those substances. These contaminants could be hazardous, depending on their nature.

● What are the Advantages of Ion Exchange Process?


High Selectivity: These resins can selectively target and remove specific ions from a solution, leaving other desired components untouched.

High Efficiency: Ion exchange resins have a large surface area and high binding capacity, enabling them to capture and remove a significant amount of target ions efficiently.

Regenerability: Unlike other filtration methods that generate waste, ion exchange resins can be regenerated by washing them with a concentrated solution of the desired ion.

Easy Operation: Ion exchange systems are generally straightforward to operate and require minimal maintenance. They can be automated for continuous operation with minimal human intervention.

Reduced Chemical Use: Compared to traditional methods like precipitation or chemical neutralization, ion exchange often reduces the need for harsh chemicals.


● What Is the Difference Between Cation and Anion Exchange?

How cation and anion exchange resins are similar
Cation and anion exchange resins are both small, porous, plastic beads (approximately .5 mm diameter, which varies) that are fixed with a specific charge. This “fixed” charge cannot be removed and is part of the resin’s crosslinked makeup or structure. Each resin bead must also contain a neutralizing counterion that is able to move in and out of the bead, which is replaced with an ion of similar charge during the process of ion exchange (when an aqueous solution is passed through the beads and the ion exchange occurs, removing the undesirable contaminant).
How cation and anion exchange resins are different
The main difference between cation and anion resins is that one is positively charged (cation) and the other is negatively charged (anion). This makes them useful in removing different types of contaminants (which will also vary depending on their size and chemical composition). Cation and anion resin beads can be used together (mixed bed configuration) or in separate vessels (twin bed configuration), depending on the needs of the facility and if total removal of positively and negatively charged ions are required.

● What are the Factors Affecting Ion Exchange Resins?


Physical factors:

Resin type: Different resins have specific functional groups and pore structures that determine their selectivity for certain ions.

Particle size: Smaller particles offer higher surface area for ion exchange but increase pressure drop within the system. Larger particles have lower pressure drops but slower exchange kinetics.

Density: Density affects resin bed expansion and backwashing behavior.

Chemical factors:

pH: The solution's pH significantly impacts the ionization state of target ions and the resin's functional groups.

Ionic strength: Higher ionic strength in the solution can compete with target ions for exchange sites, reducing resin capacity.

Presence of complexing agents: Complexing agents can bind target ions, making them unavailable for exchange with the resin, thus reducing efficiency.

Temperature: Elevated temperatures generally increase exchange kinetics but can also degrade the resin and accelerate leaching of functional groups.

Operational factors:

Flow rate: Higher flow rates reduce contact time between ions and the resin, potentially affecting exchange efficiency. However, excessively low flow rates can lead to channeling and inefficient bed utilization.

Loading rate: Applying excessive feed loads can overwhelm the resin's capacity and lead to breakthrough, where target ions start appearing in the effluent.

Regeneration process: The type and concentration of regenerant used, as well as the regeneration flow rate and duration, can impact the efficiency of removing captured ions and restoring the resin's capacity.


● How to Regenerate Ion Exchange Resin?


The basic steps in a regeneration cycle consist of the following:
1. Backwash. Backwashing is performed in CFR only, and involves rinsing the resin to remove suspended solids and redistribute compacted resin beads. The agitation of the beads helps remove any fine particles and deposits from the resin surface.
2. Regenerant injection. The regenerant solution is injected into the IX column at a low flow rate to allow adequate contact time with the resin. The regeneration process is more complex for mixed bed units that house both anion and cation resins. In mixed bed IX polishing, for example, the resins are first separated, then a caustic regenerant is applied, followed by an acid regenerant.
3. Regenerant displacement. The regenerant is flushed out gradually by the slow introduction of dilution water, typically at the same flow rate as the regenerant solution. For mixed bed units, displacement takes place after the application of each of the regenerant solutions, and the resins are then mixed with compressed air or nitrogen. The flow rate of this “slow rinse” stage must be carefully managed to avoid damage to the resin beads.
4. Rinse. Lastly, the resin is rinsed with water at the same flow rate as the service cycle. The rinse cycle should continue until a target water quality level is reached.


● What Is Ion Exchange Resin Formula?


1. Cation-exchange resin
Formula: R−H acidic
The cation exchange method removes the hardness of water but induces acidity in it, which is further removed in the next stage of treatment of water by passing this acidic water through an anion exchange process.
R−H + M+ = R−M + H+.
2. Anion-exchange resin
Formula: –NR4+OH−
Often these are styrene–divinylbenzene copolymer resins that have quaternary ammonium cations as an integral part of the resin matrix.
–NR4+OH− + HCl = –NR4+Cl− + H2O.
Anion-exchange chromatography makes use of this principle to extract and purify materials from mixtures or solutions.


● How Do You Store Ion Exchange Resins?


1. The unused new resin should be kept in a dry, cool place away from light at 5-40℃.

● The resin packaging shall be in good condition to avoid resin water loss.

● When the storage temperature is lower than the freezing point of water, the resin will froze and consequently break.

● Avoid contact with oxidants or other impurities.

2. Long-term Ion exchange resin storage plan for used resin

The main purpose of resin storage is to keep moisture and avoid freezing. In summer, pay attention to maintain the liquid level above the resin layer to prevent water loss of the dry column. The resin shall be stored according to the site conditions in case of long-term shutdown or room temperature lower than 0 ℃ in winter.

If the resin is exported from the resin column to the iron bucket for storage, the resin can be soaked in NaCl solution to prevent bacteria and resin freezing.

The relationship between NaCl concentration and freezing point can be referred to the following table: 

Concentration NaCl






Freezing point

-3 ℃

-7 ℃

-10.8 ℃

-16.3 ℃

-21.2 ℃


If the resin is placed in the resin column for longer time preservation, NaOH solution is recommended for immersion. It is mainly because the salt solution will cause serious corrosion to the equipment. The relationship between NaOH concentration and freezing point can be referred to the following table:







Freezing point

-5 ℃

-10 ℃

-15 ℃

-20 ℃

-21.2 ℃


● Is Ion Exchange Better Than Reverse Osmosis?


Comparison of Reverse Osmosis and Ion Exchange
1. Efficiency and effectiveness
When it comes to water treatment, both reverse osmosis (RO) and ion exchange are popular methods. RO is highly effective in removing a wide range of contaminants, including dissolved solids, heavy metals, and bacteria. On the other hand, ion exchange is particularly efficient in removing specific ions like calcium and magnesium that cause hardness in water. The choice between the two methods depends on the specific water quality issues you are facing.
2. Cost analysis
In terms of cost, reverse osmosis systems tend to be more expensive upfront due to the complex filtration process. However, they require less maintenance and have lower operating costs in the long run. Ion exchange systems may have lower initial costs but can be more expensive to maintain over time due to the need for regular resin replacement.
3. Maintenance requirements
RO systems generally require less maintenance compared to ion exchange systems. RO membranes need periodic cleaning and replacement, while ion exchange resins need regular regeneration or replacement. The maintenance frequency and costs depend on factors such as water quality, usage, and system design.
In conclusion, both reverse osmosis and ion exchange have their advantages and are effective in different scenarios. It's essential to assess your specific water treatment needs, budget, and maintenance capabilities before choosing the most suitable method for your business or household.
Factors to Consider in Choosing Between Reverse Osmosis and Ion Exchange
When it comes to water treatment systems, two popular methods are reverse osmosis (RO) and ion exchange. Both have their pros and cons, so it's important to consider a few factors before making a decision.
The first factor to consider is the quality and composition of the water you need to treat. Reverse osmosis is highly effective in removing impurities like bacteria, viruses, and dissolved solids. It can produce clean and pure drinking water. On the other hand, ion exchange is more suitable for water softening, removing minerals like calcium and magnesium that cause hardness.
If your main concern is removing impurities from your water supply, reverse osmosis might be the better choice. However, if you're dealing with hard water issues, ion exchange can help eliminate scale buildup and improve the taste of your water.
It's important to test your water and understand its specific needs before deciding on a treatment method. Consulting with a water treatment professional can also provide valuable insights into which method is best for your situation.


● Ion Exchange Resin Market Size And Forecast


The global ion exchange resins market size was valued at USD 1.8 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 2.2 billion by 2025, growing at 4.2% cagr from 2020 to 2025. Urbanization in APAC and increasing demand for nuclear energy are some of the key factors driving the market.


● What Is Ion Exchange in Chemistry

Ion exchange in chemistry is a process where ions are exchanged between a solution and an ion exchange material. This material can be a synthetic resin or a naturally occurring substance like zeolite. The process is reversible, allowing the ion exchange material to be regenerated for repeated use.
Here's a simplified explanation of how it works:
1. Ion Exchange Material: This is usually a solid substance that contains ions which can be exchanged. It can be a resin with charged sites that attract ions of the opposite charge.
2. Exchange Process: When a solution containing different ions comes into contact with the ion exchange material, ions from the solution are swapped with ions from the material.
3. Cation and Anion Exchangers: There are two main types of ion exchangers—cation exchangers, which exchange positively charged ions (cations), and anion exchangers, which exchange negatively charged ions (anions).
4. Applications: Ion exchange is widely used for water softening, purification of chemicals, and separation of substances. It’s also used in scientific laboratories for purifying and analyzing mixtures, and in medical applications like artificial kidneys.
The process is governed by the selectivity of the ion exchange material, which is influenced by the size, charge, and structure of the ions involved. For example, common ions that can bind to ion exchangers include
 (proton) and 
 (hydroxide), as well as various monovalent and divalent ions.

3. What Will Ion Exchange Remove?


● Does Ion Exchange Resin Remove Fluoride?


Yes, ion exchange resin can be effective in removing fluoride from water. However, its effectiveness depends on several factors:

Type of resin:

Strong base anion exchange resins: These are the most common type used for fluoride removal.

Specific fluoride adsorbents: These resins are designed specifically for fluoride removal and are often made with highly selective materials like activated alumina or lanthanum oxide. 

Water chemistry:

pH: The efficiency of ion exchange resins decreases at higher pH levels.

Other anions: The presence of other negatively charged ions, such as sulfate and nitrate, can compete with fluoride for the exchange sites, reducing the amount of fluoride that can be removed.

Fluoride concentration: The effectiveness of the resin is also affected by the initial concentration of fluoride in the water. Lower concentrations are generally easier to remove.


● How to Remove Ammoniacal Nitrogen from Wastewater?

Sunresin Technology is at the forefront of wastewater treatment innovation with its advanced ion exchange method. This method is key to their Ammonia Nitrogen Removal Process, which is tailored to remove ammonia from evaporative condensate water—a frequent byproduct in various industrial evaporator units.
Evaporators, which turn liquid into gas, produce evaporative condensate water when water and steam mix and then condense back into water. As evaporation concentrates the mother liquor, ammonia nitrogen, due to its volatility, vaporizes and then liquefies upon cooling. The form of ammonia nitrogen in water depends on the pH: above 9, it's NH3; below 9, it’s mostly NH4+. Addressing ammonia nitrogen in evaporative condensate water is a widespread industrial challenge.
The stripping method, which involves air contact, is ineffective for low-concentration ammonia nitrogen due to its solubility. It's suitable for high-concentration wastewater but not for evaporative condensate water. The biochemical method, involving nitrification and denitrification, is energy-intensive and costly. Chemical precipitation, which forms ammonium magnesium phosphate precipitate, is also costly and less used domestically.
The Ion Exchange Method offers a solution for deep ammonia nitrogen removal from evaporative condensate water, overcoming issues like difficulty in treating low concentrations and high operational costs. It's efficient, non-toxic, requires minimal space, and doesn’t need infrastructure. The process also allows the high-concentration regeneration liquid to be returned to the MVR evaporation system.
In water, ammonia forms hydrated ammonia and ionizes into NH4+ and OH- below pH 9. The Seplite® XDA series ammonia adsorption resin, used in this process, favors the resin’s selective adsorption of ammonia when in the form of ammonium salt.
The Seplite® XDA Series resins are used extensively in the chemical industry for refining and wastewater treatment. Developed by Sunresin, these resins have a high exchange capacity and long service life, making them suitable for treating wastewater from dye, pesticide, pharmaceutical, and intermediate production. They can also recover phenols, amines, organic acids, nitro compounds, and halogenated hydrocarbons.
The working principle involves ion exchange, where wastewater passes through the resin bed, and ammonia substances are exchanged onto the resin, purifying the water. Desorption allows for resin reuse, with dilute alkali for acidic solutes, dilute acid for basic solutes, and organic solvents or steam for neutral solutes, depending on the boiling point.

● What Does Cation Resin Remove?

Cation resin is commonly used for water softening applications to remove hardness-causing minerals like calcium and magnesium.  By removing these minerals, the water becomes less likely to form soap scum and scale buildup in pipes and appliances.
Here are some other applications of cation resin:
1. Purification: Cation resin can be used to remove contaminants like lead, copper, and mercury from drinking water or industrial wastewater.
2. Food and Beverage Industry: In the food and beverage industry, cation resin can be used to adjust acidity levels, remove minerals that affect taste or color, and improve the clarity of juices and other beverages.
3. Chemical Production: Cation resin is used in various chemical production processes to purify chemicals and remove unwanted ions.
4. Pharmaceutical Industry: In the pharmaceutical industry, cation resin is used to purify drugs and remove contaminants.

● What Does Anion Resin Remove?

Anion resin targets negatively charged ions, also known as anions, dissolved in water. There are two main types of anion resins used in various applications:
1. Strong base anion (SBA) resins: These are typically used for demineralization, dealkalization, and desilication. They can also remove total organic carbon (TOC) or other organics depending on the specific resin. Some of the common anions removed by SBA resins include:
● Sulfates
● Nitrates
● Arsenic
● Silica
● Fluoride
2. Weak base anion (WBA) resins: These are often used in conjunction with SBA units for demineralization applications. They primarily target anions associated with stronger acids, such as:
● Chloride
● Sulfate
Anion exchange is a widely used process in water treatment for various purposes, including:
● Demineralization: This process removes almost all inorganic salts present in water. SBA resins are particularly effective in demineralization by capturing a broad range of anions.
● Dealkalization: This process reduces the alkalinity of water, which is especially important in boiler feedwater treatment. SBA resins can remove carbonate and bicarbonate ions that contribute to alkalinity.
● Desilication: SBA resins are adept at removing silica from water, which is crucial in various industrial applications where silica buildup can be detrimental.
● Organic removal: Certain SBA resins can also target organic contaminants in water.

● What Is the Ion Exchange Resin Method for the Removal of the Hardness of Water?

The Ion Exchange Resin Method is a water treatment process that removes hardness-causing ions, such as calcium (Ca²⁺) and magnesium (Mg²⁺), from water. Here’s how it works:
1. Water Softening: This is the most common ion exchange process, which specifically targets the reduction of calcium and magnesium in the water.
2. Ion Exchange Resins: These are microporous beads made from materials like polyacrylate and polystyrene, which range from 0.3 to 1.3 millimeters in size. As water passes through these beads, the ions inside the resin interact with the ions present in the water, capturing the contaminants.
3. Cation Exchange: In this step, positively charged ions (cations) in the water are exchanged with other positively charged ions (usually sodium) on the resin surface.
4. Anion Exchange: Similarly, negatively charged ions (anions) are exchanged with other negative ions (usually chloride) on the resin surface. This is important for removing contaminants like nitrate, arsenic, sulfate, and fluoride.

● What Is Function of Ion Exchange Resin in Water Treatment?

Ion exchange resins are used in water treatment to remove undesirable ionic contaminants from water by exchanging them with another ionic substance. The process involves passing water through a column containing ion exchange resin, which attracts and binds the contaminants while releasing a different, less problematic ion into the water.
Here's a breakdown of the function of ion exchange resin in water treatment:
1. Water Softening: This is the most common use of ion exchange resins, where calcium and magnesium ions, which cause water hardness, are replaced with sodium ions.
2. Deionization: It removes nearly all ionized minerals and salts from the water, producing highly purified water.
3. Demineralization: Similar to deionization, it removes all cations and anions from the water, but it uses both cation and anion exchange resins.
4. Dealkalization: It reduces the alkalinity of water, which is important for preventing scale formation and corrosion in water systems.

● What Is the Ion Exchange System in Water Treatment?

An ion exchange water treatment system is a specialized technology used in wastewater treatment to remove dissolved ions and contaminants from water. This system relies on ion exchange resins that attract undesirable ions in the wastewater and exchange them with more desirable ions, effectively purifying the water before discharge. Ion exchange water treatment systems play a significant role in wastewater treatment and contribute to improving water quality and meeting various industrial and domestic needs.
All natural waters contain, in various concentrations, dissolved salts which dissociate in water to form charged ions. Positively charged ions are called cations; negatively charged ions are called anions. Ionic impurities can seriously affect the reliability and operating efficiency of a boiler or process system. Overheating caused by the buildup of scale or deposits formed by these impurities can lead to catastrophic tube failures, costly production losses, and unscheduled downtime.
Hardness ions, such as calcium and magnesium, must be removed from the water supply before it can be used as boiler feedwater. For high-pressure boiler feedwater systems and many process systems, nearly complete removal of all ions, including carbon dioxide and silica, is required. Ion exchange systems are used for efficient removal of dissolved ions from water.

● What are the Advantages of the Ion Exchange Process for Water Softening?

The ion exchange process for water softening has several advantages, making it a popular choice for treating water. Here are some of the key benefits:
1. Rapid Results: Ion exchange can quickly remove inorganic ions from water, providing immediate improvements in water quality.
2. High Effectiveness: It is very effective at removing hardness-causing ions such as calcium and magnesium, as well as other inorganic ions.
3. Versatility: Suitable for both short-term and long-term applications, ion exchange systems can be tailored to meet specific water treatment needs.
4. Ease of Installation: These systems can be quickly installed, ensuring minimal disruption to existing operations.
5. Low Maintenance: Once installed, ion exchange systems require relatively little maintenance, which can reduce long-term operational costs.
6. Regeneration Capability: The resin used in the ion exchange process can be regenerated, allowing for repeated use and reducing waste.
7. Cost-Effective: The initial investment for an ion exchange water softening system is relatively inexpensive compared to other treatment methods.
These advantages contribute to the widespread use of ion exchange in various water treatment applications, from industrial processes to domestic water softening. It’s a reliable method to ensure that water is softened and suitable for use without the negative effects of hard water.

● What are Applications of Ion Exchange Chromatography in Food Industry?

The main areas of the food industry where the ion-exchange process is currently used are: sugar, dairy products and water purification. It is also used to recover, sepa- rate and purify biochemicals and enzymes, and is currently being introduced to the drinks industry for juices and wines.

There are many ways to finish the processing of food raw materials. The ion exchange and adsorption resins are often used in the later finishing process due to their good selectivity and high processing precision, since it provides an effective and safe path for improving the quality of food ingredients, which could remove the deeper color of the food, remove the odor, remove the pesticide residue, and even make it more comfortable taste.

More than a decade ago, China's juice industry faced severe challenges because pesticides were used in apple cultivation. Although the fruits were strictly cleaned, the final juices were still exceeding the standard for pesticides. The Chinese juice manufacturing industry was facing the risk of shutting down. At that time, Sunresin started the research on juice purification technology, and first introduced the juice resin for removing pesticide residues, and introduced the whole process very quickly. Nowadays Chinese juice makers are all benefiting from Sunresin's technology.

Sunresin was also become into the first provider applying the resin adsorbent techniques in food processing. Up to now in the Chinese market, the adsorbent techniques applied in juice industries all originate from Sunresin initiation. After nearly 20 years of continuously technical innovation and industrialization in this field, new resins and solutions specialized for food processing have stood firmly in the market, which are separately specified for nutrition products, fruit juices such as apple, orange, pear, pineapple, lemon, grape and pomegranate, as well as in sugar industries. More than 5000M3 of the these products have been supplied to beverage industry of both domestic and overseas with over tens of production lines scoping from 5t/hr to 100t/hr.


● What is the Method of Purification of Acetic Acid?


Sunresin provides a well-established ion exchange resin process for acetic acid purification, which can remove bromine or chloride ions in acetic acid to less than 5ppm, or undetectable levels. The fixed bed mode is recommended for the ion exchange process for acetic acid purification, which runs continuously and removes impurities through the front and back resin columns to improve the removal accuracy and ensure the maximum utilization of the resins.



In conclusion, ion exchange resin is a versatile and effective material that can perform various functions in different fields. We have answered 30 frequently asked questions about ion exchange resin, hoping to provide you with some useful information and guidance.

If you want to learn more about ion exchange resin, you can visit the website of Sunresin, a leading manufacturer of ion exchange resin in China. Sunrise offers high-quality and customized ion exchange resin products for various needs and purposes. You can also contact Sunrise for professional advice and service.

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Sunresin Park,No.135, jinye Road, Xi’an Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Shaanxi-710076, China
seplite@sunresin.com seplite_europe@sunresin.com +86-29-89182091
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Modern biopharmaceutical technologies typically use biological microbial fermentation...
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Drinking water is essential to life. Every day every human being has to drink and use water for food preparation.
Food & Beverage Industries
Food is closely related to everyone, and the finishing of food comes from people's relentless pursuit...
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Hydrometallurgy is a technique for extractive metallugry involving the three general area...
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Sunresin is the major DLE lithium sorbent producer in China which mainly used for extraction lithium from salar brine and geothermal brine etc with high efficiency.
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There are many uses of water in industry and, in most cases, the used water also needs treatment to render...
Plant Extraction
Plant Extraction is a process to gather the trace bioactive compounds from the tissue of a plant.
VOCs Treatment
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Wastewater treatment is the process of converting wastewater into an effluent that can be discharged
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