Sunresin's Annual Report 2021
Here are the highlights of the company's performance in 2021 and prospects for the future:
1)Operating revenue reaches 1,195 million RMB, a new record high, and a 29.5% YoY increase
2)Gross profit remains at a high level, 44.6%
3)Despite the pandemic, international sales reaches historical high, 275.28 million RMB in 2021. (162.65 million RMB in 2020)
4) Strong incremental markets in hydrometallurgy, especially in lithium extraction
5)Strong R&D commitment and technological breakthrough in Uniform Particle Size resins for key sectors such as UPW (Ultra Pure Water)
6)Stratetic investment in Life Science applications through the founding of Sunresin Biotech in Suzhou
7)Solid footprint in ecological sustainability with focus on CO2 capture and VOC treatment
The information in the video represents a summary from the company's 2021 annual report. The official public information disclosed in Chinese is in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange of China. If there is any discrepancy in translation, the original Chinese version prevails.