With the cooperation of industry, technology and capitalr, Sunresin will give impetus to the industrial fund
On August 18, 2020, Sunresin signed a contract with Beijing Drainage Capital Holding Co., Ltd, Beijing Rongtuo Wisdom Agriculture Investment Partnership (Wisdom Agriculture) and Beijing Rongtuo Innovation Investment Management Co., Ltd. (Rong Tuo Investment) to jointly establish Beijing Drainage Rongtuo Ecological and Environmental Protection Industry Fund.
Sunresin (SZ300487,CHINA) 2020 and 2021Q1 Result Summary
Stock code: 300487 Stock abbreviation: Sunresin Technology
Bond Code: 123027 Bond Abbreviation: Sunresin Convertible Bond
The following information represents a summary from the company's 2020 annual report and 2021 Q1 quarterly report. The official public information disclosed in Chinese is in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange of China. If there is any discrepancy in translation, the original Chinese version prevails.
Sunresin's Annual Report 2021
Here are the highlights of the company's performance in 2021 and prospects for the future:
1)Operating revenue reaches 1,195 million RMB, a new record high, and a 29.5% YoY increase
2)Gross profit remains at a high level, 44.6%
3)Despite the pandemic, international sales reaches historical high, 275.28 million RMB in 2021. (162.65 million RMB in 2020)
Sunresin added to the pool of margin financing in Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange issued a notice, on October 21, to broaden the scope of stocks eligible for margin financing and securities lending. Sunresin (stock code 300487), added to the pool, will be eligible for margin financing and securities lending starting Monday, October 24, 2022.
UBS_Sunresin_A rising new materials champion
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UBS_Sunresin_Demystifying downstream series #1_the blossoming life science
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Sunresin To be selected sample stock to Compositional Index and GEM index of Shenzhen Stock Market
An announcement was issured on November 28 by Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Securities Information Co., Ltd. with a list of adjusted sample stocks in which shown Sunresin was selected the sample stock to Compositional Index of Shenzhen Stock Market and Shenzhen GEM Index. The updates will be taken into effect from Dec. 12, 2022.
Sunresin New Materials Co., Ltd. 2022 annual performance forecast
Stock No.: 300487 Abbreviation: Sunresin Bulletin No.: 2023-007
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Sunresin Park,No.135, jinye Road, Xi’an Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Shaanxi-710076, China