Lithium Extraction From Brine Lake
In 2019, the total lithium production capacity of Qinghai Salt Lake is expected to reach 110,000 tons. According to the "Qinghai 100 billion lithium battery industry development plan", by 2020, Qinghai plans to produce more than 78 billion yuan of lithium battery industry, and by 2025 it will reach more than 180 billion yuan.
Extraction of Anthocyanin
1. Anthocyanin
A glycoside derivative is a water-soluble natural pigment widely found in plants in nature, and is a colored aglycon which is obtained by hydrolysis of anthocyanins.
Under normal natural conditions, free anthocyanins are rare, often with one or more glucose, rhamnose, galactose, xylose, arabinose, etc. through the glycosidic bond to form anthocyanins, glycosidic and hydroxyl groups in anthocyanidins An acid-based anthocyanidin may be formed by ester bonding with one or several molecules of an aromatic acid such as coumaric acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid or p-hydroxybenzoic acid.
Extraction of Ginkgo Flavonoids
1. Ginkgo flavonoid. At present, there are more than 170 kinds of medicinal ingredients of Ginkgo biloba.
Paracetamol Recovery
Paracetamol, the product name is Baifuning, Bilitong, Tylenol, acetaminophen and so on.
Treatment of Phenol Wastewater
1. Phenol wastewater. Phenol has been listed as a priority pollutant in water by Chinese environmental organizations.
Multi-channel valves SMB system: Sunresin completed Acquisition of Ionex and PuriTech
Recently, Sunresin completed the equity settlement procedures through Ionex and PuriTech acquired by Hong Kong's wholly-owned subsidiary. The first overseas acquisition was completed, which took a solid step for Sunresin's international strategy implementation.
Sunresin Adds Another Wing for System Device and Solution Model
Sunresin intends to acquire multi-channel valves manufacturing Companies, Ionex in Belgium and PuriTech in Ireland.
Sunresin passed the audit of Convertible Bond
Sunresin's the application for public issuance of convertible bonds is approved
Contact Us
Sunresin Park,No.135, jinye Road, Xi’an Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Shaanxi-710076, China